Friday, January 14, 2011

What is a Number Bond?

A Number Bond has 3 parts:
1. Part 1 (In this picture it is the number 7)
2. Part 2 ( In this picture it is the number 3)
3. Whole ( Add the two parts together to make a whole.  In this case, the whole is 10)


After the students understand that a number bond has two parts and one whole, they practice filling in sections that are missing.  For example, the missing parts in the number bonds above might be: 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 5 and 0.  This is how this program begins to introduce addition. 

If you feel your child is struggling with this at home, you may want to give this a try. Draw several blank number bonds on a scrap piece of paper and use any number between 1 and 20 for the whole. 


This simple activitiy can be used for any number, and is a great way to practice math facts! 

Can you add three numbers together that make 9?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Introduction to Singapore Math

Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for visiting our blog.  We created this page to help answer questions that you may have about first grade at Harrison Elementary.  Our first post is dedicated to answering questions about our new Math program, Math in Focus-A Singapore Approach.  We have been so excited to teach this new math.  Our first graders have a strong understanding of numbers and mathematical concepts!  This program is very different from other math programs we have taught.  We want to give you some examples of problems we are working on here at school so you can help your child at home, as well. If you are still having difficulties, please feel free to contact your child's teacher.  We hope this is helpful! 

Miss Small
Mrs. Wainscott
Mrs. Garber
Miss VanVoorhis